Can I Fulfill my Vow

My words are as cheap as dirt I fail and many will get hurt My intentions are as good as gold But my excuses they do grow old My words are empty they hold no worth My vows they die before birth I stand alone by myself I do not partake in my own wealth […]


Powerful beyond compare Faithful in every way Gone but always here Eternal from beginning to end and beyond All knowing: there is nothing to fear You are the almighty, yet you care for me Love is your number one Joy and peace follow along in faith and hope So much to understand, so much to […]

Love Pours Out

Some say love is like a river That flows from the giver Some say love is like a flower That blossoms only in the darkest hour Some say love is like a dream The best anyone has ever seen I say Love is like the rain It will always come back again I say love […]