As i read this morning I was challenged by reading Break Me Break Me A prayer, all most a dare Could I follow thru Could I not If I truly say I follow you Father I want to live a life that is true I pray that your will be done. Lord Do what you […]
Author: George
Time gained Time lost But at what cost Our Days come and our days go Do we ever know What has Changed Time to do Time to choose Act now or you may loose Do not stop and hesitate Get in now and do not wait This will difine you Time gone Time disappearing Seeing […]
Ride the Beast
From one thing to the next Playing Dot to dot, surely this is not the best Do this don’t do that zero to one hundred in ten seconds flat Strange what we accept as a life A house, 2.3 kids, a job and a wife No sence of being Just pay the piper and honor […]
Just a Normal Man
Just a Normal Man ! Just a normal man making his everyday plan Walking with the all powerful who is the only one who can truly Understand. From dust to flesh and back to dust The Gold is in learning to in God Trust. Just a normal man living life everyday Stopping along the journey […]
Daily Weekly Annually
Daily Weekly Annually Divert Daily Take some time everyday for me Withdraw Weekly Take a longer time out each week for me Abandon Annually Get away from it all yearly for me For me to survive in this crazy fast paced planet I just cannot burn out or fade away I need to be proactive, […]
A love our Love
A LOVE OUR LOVE A Love that grows over many years Defeats many enemies and conquers many fears A Love that grows deep and strong Can last our life time and not go wrong Our Love has grown like a forest tree Full of life and strength, depth and purity Our Love has grown into […]
But For YOU
There are many voices that call your name. There are many ways to play the game. But for you there is only one voice louder than them all. It is clearer and more precise and you respond to its call. There are many ways to love people deeply. There are many ways to be committed […]
Sad Eyes
I see you As I look into your eyes Not the exterior but the real you What is hidden by your disguise I see you Sad and alone No time to think Consumed by your phone I see you Your sad eyes They tell the true story So do not waste your lies I see […]
Life is for Living
The Day is born as the sunrises We awake and move into our disguises Hidden by the ordinary Living beyond the scary No longer a being of feeling I struggle to know Life is for the living The day comes to an end I lay awake knowing I have no friend Hiding in amongst the […]
To You My Love
Today is but another Day But I will stop for I have something to say I Love you more than these words can express I don’t know how but I ended up with the Best Thank you for letting me into your life For the greatest gift I have is you as my wife.